Freemasons Control the "Justice" System
May 1, 2015

Speaking from personal experience, Rahul Manchanda describes
how the Illuminati use the justice system to persecute political dissidents.
He says domestic violence, child support and hate crime laws are applied
selectively to entangle and defeat people who resist NWO tyranny. As
the situation worsens, more people may find themselves in his position.
"Show me the man, I will show you the crime." - Lavrenty Beria, Joseph Stalin's Secret Police Chief.
"The real aim of Freemasonry is to create all the required prerequisites for the triumph of the Communist revolution." Illuminati insider Christian Rakowsky.
by Rahul Manchanda and Henry Makow
Not all frontline judges in the US are Freemasons but senior judges are. They ensure Freemasons are favored and verdicts follow the agenda.
A judge will often blanch when he sees a Masonic ring on a lawyer's finger and will rule in his favor. Masons also network using secret passwords, hand signs and handshakes.
Women judges are often members of the Eastern Star. The feminist agenda is synonymous with Freemasonry.
Freemasons/Illuminati generally hand-pick federal and state judges. The federal judiciary is swollen with former senior law partners whose main clients were the big banks and corporations. These judges are often placed on cases involving judicial or governmental abuse. They are generally wealthy white or Jewish males who went to elite schools with no real interest in civil and human rights violations.
Similarly, small state court judges are selected by Feminist and Race-Baiting movements, who function as a type of legally sanctioned mafia, intimidating those few honest judges and opposing counsel routinely. They go after political dissenters and opposition, silencing those US Citizens whom they deem to be antithetical or enemies of the state.
Masons choose minority candidates as judges because, like President Obama, it is virtually impossible to accuse a minority judge of racism, discrimination, violating ones civil liberties and human rights etc.

The federal and state law enforcement operates in almost the same manner. While the lower level field agents and beat cops are normally 100% sympathetic with the plights of the downtrodden, their superiors are selected to be exactly the opposite.
Their superiors are Masons. Their betrayal of American principles is the sole factor in deciding whether they are promoted.
Statutes such as the Violence Against Womens Act ("VAWA"), the Child Support Enforcement Act, the Hate Crimes Act, and other dubious federal and state enacted laws which violate the US Constitution, allow the Masons to persecute political dissidents. This is in complete and total violation of their 1st, 2nd, 4th, 5th, 6th, and 13th Amendment Rights. Their targets are denied due process of law, or any methods with which to defend their innocence.
Similarly the local Child Protective Services ("CPS") will seize the children of targeted individuals with complete and total impunity. Often those children will wind up in the global sex trade.
Judges then deny routine motions, humiliate dissidents in open court with ridicule, abuse and derision, giving legal advice to their opposition while denying their victims the same benefit, allowing the opposition to arbitrarily miss court appearances while threatening their targeted victim with arrest if they don't show up due to being sick or injured.
As a dissident, your fate has already been determined by the Freemasons/Illuminati, and these "court procedures" are simply a cover for political persecution.

They will surely "shitcan" your complaints and investigations. They will most assuredly report your audacity to the offending officials who will most assuredly further retaliate more aggressively than before, digging your legal hole even deeper.
This is how it works, and it is only going to get worse as time passes if the people don't do something about it.
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe said, "None are more hopelessly enslaved than those who falsely believe they are free."
This has never been more true than now.
First Comment by Trevor:
Catherine said (May 2, 2015):
Your article mirrors my experience in Ireland.
I remember the name calling by the judge and the long lecture re women being mental and needing to know our place in Roman Catholic Ireland.
I remember the perpetrator entering court through the judges entrance- that is when I began to wake up.
I remember the doctored records- putting me as applicant and of course I did not show up as I knew nothing about the court hearing.
I remember my eyes being opened re these court agents and their black death robes and their attempts to snatch soul food.
I remember realizing they were all ACTing out and that all these acts of parliament etc were just acts.
I remember the court jesters - because they were all dressed as actors and acting out in front of service users and we were believing it.
I remember the doctoring of court transcripts in London too. Incredible how a 40 min speech turned into one sentence.Of course someone else recorded the whole event-. If one was not present and could hear the prof on tape,,,, they would have said we were crazy. The GAL was the one trying to get the audio from the Recorder in court, but we were onto him by then.
Once you witness it all once, you wise up to the pattern.